A Guide To Cleaning Your Honey Extracting Equipment

cleaning honey extracting equipment.

Extracting your honey is part of what makes the entire beekeeping process complete because the honey is where you will be getting your profits from. But, at the same time, you also need to keep your honey extracting equipment clean enough for the next use. After all, you need your honey to be clean enough … Read more

Beekeeping Beginner: How Many Hives To Start With?

how many beehives for a new beekeeper?

Beekeeping is becoming increasingly popular every year! Maybe it’s the draw of home-grown honey or the idea of making money on the side! So, with that in mind, if you know how great beekeeping can be, you might want to start your life as a beekeeping beginner as soon as you can. But how many … Read more

How To Clean Beeswax Out Of A Strainer?

How to clean beeswax from a strainer.

Being a beekeeper isn’t just all about honey because there are plenty of other products that can help you make money. Beeswax is one of them as selling beeswax products has become quite popular today thanks to how more and more people are seeing the importance of living an organic lifestyle. But the problem with … Read more

How To Use A Honey Sieve [ULTIMATE GUIDE]

Best way to strain honey.

Regardless of whether you are a beekeeper as a hobby or as a full-time profession, I am sure that you love honey and get excited when you get to harvest your honey and see that liquid gold flow 🙂 However, alongside all that excitement you should do some key things when harvesting honey. One of … Read more

What Is The Official Name For Honey Bee Farming?

This is what bee/ honey farming is called.

Beekeeping is an increasingly popular endeavor, hobby, or even profession today because of how fulfilling it is to take care of the world’s most amazing insects (in my opinion anyway!). But while we often refer to this profession as “beekeeping”, not all of us are aware of what beekeeping is officially called. So, what is … Read more