How Long Do Guard Bees Live? (We’ve Got the Answer)

how long do guard bees live?

In a bees’ wonderful and exciting world, various different types have specific roles to ensure the hive has some stability. Without bees having roles, the production process will be a mess, and it’ll be much less efficient, causing pollination and honey processes to be much slower. However, something that’s always amazed me is guard bees. … Read more

Can You Use Beeswax on Leather?

Can You Use Beeswax on Leather?

Choosing the right product to maintain your leather garments is essential. Leather is quite a unique material in terms of how you should properly care for it. Therefore, many leather enthusiasts have tried and tested various protection methods to increase its longevity. But that leads to one crucial question, can you use beeswax on leather? … Read more

5 Ways to Tell That Your Honey Is Fermented

How to Tell That Your Honey Is Fermented

Honey is one of nature’s most excellent preservers, as long as it’s properly stored and, if sealed, it can last thousands of years. Archaeologists have found sealed jars of honey in ancient Egyptian burial sites, and it’s still good to eat. But human error can mean that bacteria, water, and yeast get into the honey … Read more

Beekeeping Suit or Jacket: Which is Better?

Beekeeping Suit or Jacket: Which is Better?

So, you’ve got into beekeeping, and you’ve got your hands on a smoker, hive tool, or whatever other tools you want to try out and you’re eagerly approaching your first hive. Each keeper is keen to find what gifts their bees have been working on. Before you step foot near a hive, there is one … Read more

How To Reuse Beehive Frames

How To Reuse Beehive Frames

If you are a beginner beekeeper or if you are aspiring to enter the world of beekeeping, you should know that it is important for you to learn how to properly reuse your beehive frames because you are going to save a lot of money from doing so. At the same time, knowing how to … Read more

8 Reasons Why Honey Bees Can Be Aggressive

8 Reasons Why Honey Bees Can Be Aggressive

Do you know that honey bees, calm as they appear, can be aggressive? Beekeepers know this too well. Honey bees are kept for honey, and other by-products such as wax. These little insects can be fierce, especially when provoked. They are also famous for inflicting painful stings. Do you know why honey bees can be … Read more